From 1997 to 2024, IMATS produced 86 shows on three continents, in four countries, and in seven cities. Hundreds of leading artists were speakers at IMATS. We were blessed to have the greatest artists be a part of our celebration of makeup artistry. When our team would travel to the different cities we always brought artists with us. As a result, ideas, techniques and materials were cross-pollinated around the globe by the most talented and gifted. People were able to meet and learn from the heroes of our craft.
Many top artists today were discovered through Battle of the Brushes, our make-up competition. Brands exhibiting at IMATS were able to forge relationships with distributors and retailers around the world.
Make-Up Artist magazine and IMATS has been many things to many people. For me, it was always about celebrating the art of make-up, elevating the craft, and bringing respect to those who carry a case.
To say technology has changed our world is a massive understatement. People consume information in different ways now. The motivation to gather together is less compelling largely due to social media. Many company‘s budgets have been cut and have had to forgo exhibiting at shows in this era. As a result, magazines and professional exhibitions aren‘t what they once were. Therefore, convention centers are in the rearview mirror for us. I‘m ok with that. Our delivery systems have changed but the quality of content never will. We‘re in talks about producing smaller, more targeted events that serve our mission better.
IMATS has been more than just a trade show — It’s been a shared dream. Thank you for three decades of dreaming together. Here’s to the next chapter with heartfelt gratitude and excitement for the future,
Michael Key